Cast & Characters


Portrayed by Alex Herrald

(35)  Our protagonist. Stuck in a loop of self-deprecation. He doesn’t think much of himself but he’s all he thinks about. He can’t write. He can’t stay loyal to his wife. He can’t step up to be a father. He’s living a self-fulfilling prophecy of self-belittlement.


Portrayed by William Hennefer

(13)  Wesley’s future son. Our moral compass, and a wake-up call for Wesley to confront his self-hatred in order to have the self-confidence to stand up and become a good father to his new-born.


Portrayed by Sophia Salesky

(27)  Wesley’s object of sexualization. She’s a dime. She drinks green tea. She wears no make-up. She surely has a deep inner-personal life but we see none of it in this film.


Portrayed by Serra Naiman

(32)  Wife to Wesley. Loyal. Recovering from childbirth, wrapped up in caring for her son. She’s not sure how she ended up with such a spineless possum of a husband.

Cafe Worker

Portrayed by Kot Takahashi

(31)  He’s been working at Rammy’s since he was a teen: hoping for a managerial position someday but it’s unlikely he’ll get it.

Rammy the Ram

(4,279)  Sadistic, seemingly just for sake of being sadistic. Rammy points at all that is wrong with Wesley. He’s the internal scrutinous father: the externalization of Wesley’s internal mockery.